A quinoline alkaloid present in Macrorungia longistrobus C. B., the base crystal_x0002_lizes from Me2CO-hexane as colourless plates. The ultraviolet spectra have been
extensively studied. In neutral solution (EtOH), the spectrum has absorption
maxima at 214, 236, 264, 325 and 336 mfJ.. In acid solution (EtOH-HC1), the
maxima occur at 215, 248, 257, 302, 315, 329 and 355 mfJ.. The picrate forms
yellow needles from MeOH, m.p. 211-2°C (dec.). Treatment of the alkaloid
with CH2N2 yields a mixture of Macrorine (q.v.) and isomacrorine.
Jordaan, Joynt, Arndt., J. Chern. Soc., 3001 (1965)
Joynt et al., J. Chern. Soc., B, 980 (1966)