Peri- and postoperative surgical thromboprophylaxis
Treatment of DVT and pulmonary embolism
Prevention of thrombus formation in extracorporeal circulation during HD
Potentially hazardous interactions with other drugs
Analgesics: increased risk of bleeding with NSAIDs
- avoid concomitant use with IV diclofenac;
increased risk of haemorrhage with ketorolac - avoid
concomitant use.
Nitrates: anticoagulant effect reduced by infusions of
glyceryl trinitrate.
Use with care in patients receiving oral
anticoagulants, platelet aggregation inhibitors, aspirin
or dextran.
Low molecular weight heparins are partially metabolised by desulphation and depolymerisation. The kidneys are the major site of tinzaparin excretion (approximately 70
% based on animal studies).