A further constituent of various Uncaria species, this alkaloid is stereoisomeric
with the preceding alkaloid. It crystallizes from EtOH in colourless needles or
plates and has [α]D + 91.3°. The hydrochloride forms colourless columns of the
dihydrate, m.p. 227 _8°C (dec.) and the methiodide yields transparent plates,
m.p. 214°C (dec.). The N-acetyl derivative has also been prepared, m.p. 165°C.
Raymond-Hamet., Compt. rend., 203, 1383 (1936)
Kondo, Ikeda.,]. Pharm. Soc., Japan, 61,416,453,460 (1941)
Kondo, Ikeda., ibid, 62, 15 (1942)
Raymond-Hamet., Compt. rend., 230, 1405 (1950)
Raymond-Hamet., ibid, 245, 1458 (1957)
Hendrickson., J. Amer. Chern. Soc., 84, 650 (1962)
Revised stereochemistry:
Shamma et ai., J. Amer. Chern. Soc., 89, 1739 (1967)
Beechametai., Chern. Commun., 535 (1967)