The empirical formula for this alkaloid from Croton linearis Jacq. was originally
given as C 1 7H 1903N, representing it as a dihydrocrotonosine. This was later
altered to that given above when it was shown that a methylimino group is present. The structure has now been confirmed as dihydro-N-methylcrotonosine.
When crystallized from EtOH it forms anisotropic columns. The ultraviolet
spectrum shows three absorption maxima at 228, 282 and 288 ffi/J. and the
specific rotation in [o:Jf>8 + 116° (c 0.83, MeOH). The hydrochloride also forms
colourless columnar crystals which decompose, without melting, above 300°C.
One phenolic hydroxyl group is present and on methylation, the alkaloid yields
Amuronine (q.v.).
Haynes, Stuart.,J. Chem. Soc., 1784, 1789 (1963)
Haynes etaZ., Proc. Chem. Soc., 261 (1964)
Haynes et aZ., J. Chem. Soc., C, 1676 (1966)
Snatzke, Wollenberg.,J. Chem. Soc., C, 1681 (1966)