Anti-Alkaline phosphatase human placental antibody coupled to agarose was packed in a column and used to purify alkaline-phosphatase conjugated FGF receptor out of conditioned media from COS-7 cells. Column was washed with 1M NaCl.', 'Cultured pancreatic islet cells were fixed with cold 4% paraformaldhyde at room temperature for 10 minutes and incubated with mouse monoclonal anti-Alkaline Phosphatase, Human Placental antibody at 1:500. Mouse monoclonal anti-Alkaline Phosphatase, Human Placental antibody was used to detect a unique molecular probe th at consisted of the FGFR extracellular domain expressed as a chimera with human PLAP.', 'This immunoadsorbant may be used to purify fusion proteins produced using vectors expressing the hPLAP gene. Suitable for affinity purification and immunoprecipitation procedures of human placental alkaline phosphatase either natural or recombinant.It is alsu used in western blotting.
Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) or ALPP is a hydrolase, which is involved in the hydrolysis of phosphomonoesters. It has been shown to be a biomarker for ovarian cancer. The protein is expressed in carcinomas such as ovarian adenocarcinoma, dysgerminoma, serous cystadenocarcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma. Although hPLAP has been analyzed as a potential tumor marker, it has not been widely used in the routine clinical laboratory because of its low overall specificity due to heat-inactivation, cross-reactivity with intestinal AP and L-phenylalanine sensitivity. The use of monoclonal antibodies as reagents has greatly improved the sensitivity, reproducibility and accuracy of the tests used to distinguish placental isozymes from their tumor cell counterparts. Thus, monoclonal anti-alkaline phosphatase may be useful as diagnostic tools for tumor detection.