This alkaloid is also present in Heimia salicifolia Link & Otto and is obtained as
long, glistening needles from either CH2Clr light petroleum or CH2Cl2-MeOH. It
is dextrorotatory with [α]25D + 40.6° (c 0.3, CHC13) and the ultraviolet spectrum
shows two absorption maxima at 260 and 284 mJ.1. The following salts and
derivatives have been prepared to characterize the base: the hydrochloride as
prisms, m.p. 325-331 °c (dec.); the acetyl derivative, m.p. In-3°C; [o:lf,S +
33.1 ° (c 0.75, CHC13) and the methyl ether, m.p. 239-24loC; the latter yielding
a crystalline hydrochloride and hydrobromide containing MeOH of crystalliza_x0002_tion.
Blomster, Schwarting, Bobbitt., LZoydia, 27, 15 (1964)
Douglas et aZ., ibid, 27, 25 (1964)
Crystal structure:
Zacharias et aZ., Experientia, 21, 247 (1965)
Ferris, Boyce, Briner., J. Amer. Chern. Soc., 93,2942 (1971)
Ferris etaZ., ibid, 93,2963 (1971)