Optische Aufheller
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- Chemical Name:Fluorescent brightener HDT-1
- CAS:
- MF:
- Structure:
- Chemical Name:Dinatrium-4,4'-bis[[4-anilino-6-[(2-carbamoylethyl)(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-1,3,5,-triazin-2-yl]amino]stilben-2,2'-disulfonat
- CAS:27344-06-5
- MF:C42H47N14NaO10S2
- Chemical Name:Fluorescent brightener A
- CAS:
- MF:
- Structure:
- Chemical Name:Fluorescent brightener 140
- CAS:61968-71-6
- MF:C14H17NO2
- Chemical Name:Fluorescent Brightener 90-1
- CAS:120797-63-9
- MF:
- Chemical Name:Fluorescent Brightener BF
- CAS:
- MF:C1634N12Na2O8S2
- Chemical Name:Fluorescentbrighteningagent199
- CAS:58449-88-0
- MF:C24H16N2
- Chemical Name:Fluorescent brightener PSM
- CAS:
- MF:
- Chemical Name:Fluorescent brightener OBK
- CAS:
- MF:
- Chemical Name:Fluorescent Brightener 54
- CAS:12768-89-7
- MF:C21H16ClN2NaO3S
- Chemical Name:Fluorescent brightener RKH
- CAS:
- MF:
- Chemical Name:Fluorescent Brightener PS
- CAS:
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