Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen
Das Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen ist ein multidisziplinäres Forschungsgebiet was die Bereiche Biologie, Chemie und Ingenieurwesen einschließt. Bereits seit Jahrtausenden gibt es biotechnische Anwendungen, wie z.B. die Herstellung von Bier und Wein. Im Lauf der Zeit haben sich biotechnische Anwendungen weit verbreitet. Die Anwendungsgebiete umfassen den Einsatz in der Landwirtschaft und Pflanzenbiotechnologie, der Medizin und Pharmazeutik, der medizinischen Biotechnologie, der industriellen Biotechnologie, der Abfallwirtschaft, der technischen bzw. der Umwelt-Biotechnologie und in der biotechnologischen Nutzung von Meeresressouren. Weil die Anwendung der Biotechnologie auf dem guten Verständnis der Funktionswesen von Organismen basiert, kann das Verständnis im Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen immer weiter ausgebaut werden und es können vielerlei Anwendungen umgesetzt werden. Bestimmte chemische Verbindungen, z. B. für pharmazeutische Zwecke oder als Grundstoff der chemischen Industrie, können erzeugt werden. Pflanzen können für bestimmte Umweltbedingungen oder für ihren Nutzungszweck optimiert werden. Bisherige Anwendungen können durch vorteilhaftere biotechnische Verfahren ersetzt werden, wie z. B. umweltbelastende chemische Herstellungsverfahren in der Industrie. Es wird daher erwartet, dass sich das Wachstum der Biotechnologie-Branche in Zukunft fortsetzen wird.
- Chemical Name:Human Complement fragment 4b,C4b ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Diphtheria antibody ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human B cell receptor,BCR ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human basic fibroblast growth factor 6,bFGF-6 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3a,eIF3a ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Chicken virus enteritis,DEV ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Fc region of immunoglobulin G,Fcγ ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Bone morphogenetic protein 7,BMP-7 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human decay-accelerating factor,DAF ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Mouse anti-centrol and centrosome antibody,ACA ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Agrin ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human adaptor molecule apoptotic peptidase activating factor 1,APAF1 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human apelin 13,AP13 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human ankyrin B,Ank-B ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human arabinogalactan proteins,AGPs ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Nude mouse Alpha-fetoprotein,AFP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Amebiasis ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit anti-brain tissue antibody,ABAb ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Ross Sarcoma Virus PCR Detection Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Abnormal prothrombin,APT ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human acid sphingomyelinase, ASM ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:EpiQuik Histone H3 Modification Multiplex Assay Kit(Colorimetric)
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- Chemical Name:2,4-D ELISA Test Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit apoprotein B100,apo-B100 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human anti-Ku-antibody ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Anti-Ovary Antibody,AOAb ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human anti-toxoplasma IgG antibody,anti-tox IgG ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Mouse anti-red cell antibody ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Plant hormone abscisic acid,ABA ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human anti-rubella virus IgG antibody,anti-RV IgG ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Mouse Cross-linked Carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type Ⅰ collagen,ⅠCTP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit adramycin,ADR ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Cell MeterTM Intracellular Colorimetric Lipid Peroxidation (MDA) Assay Kit
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- Chemical Name:Acetoacetate Colorimetric Assay Kit
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- Chemical Name:Duck anti-prothrombins antibodies,aPT1/aPT2 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:MouseMouse anti-human D-Pantothenic Acid mAb
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- Chemical Name:Chicken Avian Leukosis Virus AG,ALV-AG ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Angiotensin Ⅰ Converting Enzyme,ACEⅠ ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human anti-cartilage-antibody ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human anti-rubella virus IgM antibody,anti-RV IgM ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human anti-typhus antibody ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Aquaporin 0,AQP-0 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human ATP-binding cassette transporter G2,ABCG2 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Chicken 1, 3-βD glucosidase, 1, 3-βD-Glu Elisa Kit
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- Chemical Name:Aflatoxin,AFT ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Angiopoietin 4,ANG-4 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human anti-cytomegalovirus IgG antibody,anti-CMV IgG ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Annexin Ⅴ, ANX-Ⅴ Elisa Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit apoprotein A1,apo-A1 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat androgen ElISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Chicken α-Glucosidase, a-Glu Elisa Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human advanced oxidation protein products,AOPP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human anti-IgA antibody ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit anti-neutrophil granules antibody,ANGA ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human cellular fibronectin,cFn ELISA kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Complement fragment 5b,C5b ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat coagulation factor Ⅱ,FⅡ ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:CaM-kinase II (Human) Assay Kit
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- Chemical Name:Duck cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:human colicin ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:human excision repair cross-complementation group 1,ERCC1 ELISA kit
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- Chemical Name:CYTO-ID Autophagy detection kit 2.0
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- Chemical Name:Dolichos bifows agglutinin,DBA ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human activated coagulation factor Ⅻ,FⅫa ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human chaperonin 10,CPN10 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human cytovillin/ezrin,CVL ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human elongin A,EloA ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:DDT/DDE ELISA Test Kit
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- Chemical Name:Chicken C-Reactive Protein,CRP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Centromere Protein,CENP-B ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human cyclooxygenase-2,COX-2 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen 4,CTLA-4 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human filamentous hemagglutinin,FHA ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Porcine Dexamethasone,Dex ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit bone morphogenetic proteins,BMPs ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Escherichia coli Protein,E.coli P ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Hamster Cathepsin K,cath-K ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human basic fibroblast growth factor 9,bFGF-9 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human dermato-pontin,DPT ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Attacin,Att ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human beta cellulin,BTC ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Campylobacter Jejuni PEB1 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:human eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 2 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Mouse carcinoembryonic antign,CEA ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:EpiQuik Circulating Modified Histone H3 Multiplex Assay Kit (Colorimetric)
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- Chemical Name:Human B-Cell Linker Protein,BLNK ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Calreticulin,CRT ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human dynamin 2,DNM2 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Collagen Type Ⅰ,Col Ⅰ ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human cecropin B,CecB ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit Cystatin C,Cys-C ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:CEBPα ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:EpiQuik Histone H4 Modification Multiplex Assay Kit(Colorimetric)
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- Chemical Name:Human basic fibroblast growth factor 4,bFGF-4 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Cyclic AMP response element binding protein,CREB ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat calcineurin,CaN ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:DUB Activity Assay Kit
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- Chemical Name:Cell MeterTM Intracellular Fluorimetric Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit *Blue Fluorescence*
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- Chemical Name:Human Bcl-2 associated X protein, Bax ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human electron-transfer-flavoprotein beta polypeptide,ETFB ELISA Kit
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