Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen
Das Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen ist ein multidisziplinäres Forschungsgebiet was die Bereiche Biologie, Chemie und Ingenieurwesen einschließt. Bereits seit Jahrtausenden gibt es biotechnische Anwendungen, wie z.B. die Herstellung von Bier und Wein. Im Lauf der Zeit haben sich biotechnische Anwendungen weit verbreitet. Die Anwendungsgebiete umfassen den Einsatz in der Landwirtschaft und Pflanzenbiotechnologie, der Medizin und Pharmazeutik, der medizinischen Biotechnologie, der industriellen Biotechnologie, der Abfallwirtschaft, der technischen bzw. der Umwelt-Biotechnologie und in der biotechnologischen Nutzung von Meeresressouren. Weil die Anwendung der Biotechnologie auf dem guten Verständnis der Funktionswesen von Organismen basiert, kann das Verständnis im Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen immer weiter ausgebaut werden und es können vielerlei Anwendungen umgesetzt werden. Bestimmte chemische Verbindungen, z. B. für pharmazeutische Zwecke oder als Grundstoff der chemischen Industrie, können erzeugt werden. Pflanzen können für bestimmte Umweltbedingungen oder für ihren Nutzungszweck optimiert werden. Bisherige Anwendungen können durch vorteilhaftere biotechnische Verfahren ersetzt werden, wie z. B. umweltbelastende chemische Herstellungsverfahren in der Industrie. Es wird daher erwartet, dass sich das Wachstum der Biotechnologie-Branche in Zukunft fortsetzen wird.
- Chemical Name:Rat MYO(Myoglobin) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat MDC/CCL22(Macrophage-Derived Chemokine) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat renin (RENIN) ELISA kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat BK(Bradykinin) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat VE-Cadherin(Vascular Endothelial Cadherin) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat ACV-A(Activin A) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat adrenomedullin,ADM ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat AGER(Total Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 1,TIMP-1 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat TXB2(Thromboxane B2) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat matrix metalloproteinase 13,MMP-13 ELISA kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat thrombin-antithrombin complex,TAT ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Peroxisome Proliferator-activated receptor γ,PPAR-γ ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat cyclophilin A,CyPA ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat soluble cluster of differentiation 14,sCD14 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Endocrine gland vascular endothelial growth factor,EG-VEGF ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat nuclear factor-κB p65,NF-κB p65 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat ACTα2 (Actin Alpha 2, Smooth Muscle) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:cpy2c11
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- Chemical Name:Rat matrix metalloproteinase 12 (MMP-12) ELISA kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat OXA(Orexin A) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat growth differentiation factor 15,GDF15 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Angiotensin II Receptor 1 (AT1R) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Methylase ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Nephrin ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Receptor for the Fc region of immunoglobulin
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- Chemical Name:matrix metalloproteinase 8 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Amh(Anti-Mullerian Hormone) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat RANκL (Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Cytomegaoviyns PP65 antigen
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- Chemical Name:Transmembrane and ubiquitin-like domain-containing protein 1
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- Chemical Name:Rat thymus activation regulated chemokine,TARC ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Cytoglobin
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- Chemical Name:metallothionein 3
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- Chemical Name:Rat Tyrosine Hydroxylase,TH ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Hepcidin (HEPCIDIN) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat AFGF/FGF1(Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat CBG (Corticosteroid Binding Globulin) ELISAKit
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- Chemical Name:myogenic differentiation
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- Chemical Name:Rat Angiotensin converting enzyme 2,ACE2 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Serum amyloid A,SAA ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Fibrinogen (FG) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Angiopoietin-like 3,ANGPTL3 ELISA KIT
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- Chemical Name:Rat CK-18/KRT18(Cytokeratin 18) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Hp(Haptoglobin) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat F(Coagulation Factor ) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat matrix metalloproteinase 10,MMP-10 ELISA kit
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- Chemical Name:PSCK9
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- Chemical Name:Rat AST(Aspartate Aminotransferase) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat LEPR(Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat CHEM(Chemerin) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat von Willebrand Factor (VWF) ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:suppressors of cytokine signaling 3
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- Chemical Name:Human Angiotensin Ⅱ Receptor 2, AT2R Elisa Kit
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- Chemical Name:Bovine acetone ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human basic fetoprotein,BFP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human chemerin ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human erythrocyte membrane protein,EMP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:tachykinin, precursor 1
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- Chemical Name:Human prothrombin fragment 1+2,F1+2 ELISA kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit Crosslaps,Cr ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat eosinophil chemotactic factor,ECF ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Atrial Natriuretic Peptide ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Metal Transporter Protein 1
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- Chemical Name:Guinea Pig 50% complement hemolysis,CH50 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human anti-Epstein-Barr virus antibody,EBV ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:human claudin 14,CLDN14 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human echinococcus antibody IgG ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Estrogen-induced protein pS2 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Mouse calcium channel blockers,CCB ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat brain-gut peptides,BGP/Gehrelin Elisa kit
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- Chemical Name:Cobra venom factor,CVF ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human calnexin,CNX ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human circulating immune complex,CIC ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Desmopressin/1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin,dDAVP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Mouse Clara cell protein,CC16 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit cholest erolester transfer protein,CETP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Chicken Anti-Thrombin Ⅲ, AT-Ⅲ Elisa Kit
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- Chemical Name:Endoplasmic Reticulum Protein
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- Chemical Name:Oxysterol 7-α-hydroxylase
- CAS:288309-90-0
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- Chemical Name:Human complement factor D,CFD ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Fibrinogen like peptide 2,fgl2 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Neurotrophin 3,NT-3 ELISA KIT
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- Chemical Name:Methyl Parathion Hydrolase
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- Chemical Name:Human Complement fragment 3b rccptor,C3bR ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Fetuin A,FETU-A ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rat Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor,CNTF ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit cit Elisa Kit
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- Chemical Name:sulfonylurea receptor
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- Chemical Name:E ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Chicken β-lactamase ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human cytoplasmic immunoglobulin,CIg ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Rabbit Endothelial nitric oxide synthase 3,eNOS-3 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human C4 binding protein,C4BP ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Complement 7,C7 ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Complement fragment 3b,C3b ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human Elastase ELISA Kit
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- Chemical Name:Human corticotropin-releasing factor,CRF
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- Chemical Name:Rat Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Associated Antigen 4,CTLA-4 ELISA Kit
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