SAMNOX Comprehensive synthesis of anti-wear lubricating oil
SAMNOX Comprehensive synthesis of anti-wear lubricating oil and diesel oil by graphene|SAMNOX石墨烯全合成抗磨节能润滑油-柴油机油 基本信息更多
- 中文名称:SAMNOX石墨烯全合成抗磨节能润滑油-柴油机油
- 中文同义词: SAMNOX石墨烯全合成抗磨节能润滑油-柴油机油
- 英文名称:SAMNOX Comprehensive synthesis of anti-wear lubricating oil and diesel oil by graphene
- 英文同义词: SAMNOX Comprehensive synthesis of anti-wear lubricating oil and diesel oil by graphene
- CAS号:
- 分子式:
- 分子量:0
- Mol文件:Mol File