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Mendelevium, the ninth transuranium element of the actinide series to be discovered, was first identified by Ghiorso, Harvey, Choppin, Thompson, and Seaborg early in 1955 as a result of the bombardment of the isotope <sup>253</sup>Es with helium ions in the Berkeley 60-inch cyclotron. The isotope produced was <sup>256</sup>Md, which has a half-life of 78 min. This first identification was notable in that <sup>256</sup>Md was synthesized on a one-atom-at-a-time basis. Nineteen isotopes and isomers are now recognized. <sup>258</sup>Md has a half-life of 51.5 days. This isotope has been produced by the bombardment of an isotope of einsteinium with ions of helium. It now appears possible that eventually enough <sup>258</sup>Md can be made so that some of its physical properties can be determined. <sup>256</sup>Md has been used to elucidate some of the chemical properties of mendelevium in aqueous solution. Experiments seem to show that the element possesses a moderately stable dipositive (II) oxidation state in addition to the tripositive (III) oxidation state, which is characteristic of actinide elements.

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