Adsorption of color and odor, removal of refractory organic matter and heavy metals in drinking water, German Woqi CC filter material 基本信息更多
- 中文名称:吸附饮用水中颜色和气味、难降解有机物和重金属的去除,德国沃奇CC滤料
- 中文同义词: 吸附饮用水中颜色和气味、难降解有机物和重金属的去除,德国沃奇CC滤料
- 英文名称:Adsorption of color and odor, removal of refractory organic matter and heavy metals in drinking water, German Woqi CC filter material
- 英文同义词: Adsorption of color and odor, removal of refractory organic matter and heavy metals in drinking water, German Woqi CC filter material
- CAS号:
- 分子式:
- 分子量:0
- Mol文件:Mol File