96孔PCR板 半裙边(黑色编号 透明板)AXYGEN
'Axygen 96 Well Clear PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch, Natural color embossed well orientation 基本信息更多
- 中文名称:96孔PCR板 半裙边(黑色编号 透明板)AXYGEN
- 中文同义词: 96孔PCR板 半裙边(黑色编号 透明板)AXYGEN
- 英文名称:'Axygen 96 Well Clear PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch, Natural color embossed well orientation
- 英文同义词: 'Axygen 96 Well Clear PCR Half Skirt Amplification Plate with a Single Notch, Natural color embossed well orientation
- CAS号:
- 分子式:
- 分子量:0
- Mol文件:Mol File