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<em>Biological.</em> Ethion degraded in lagoonal sediments obtained at various sites in the Indian River between Cape Kennedy and Vero Beach, FL. In 14 sediment samples enriched with ethion, 8 exhibited iron sulfide (precursor hydrogen sulfide) production following 20 days of incubation at room temperature. The bacteria responsible for the degradation of ethion, a reducing agent, was tentatively identified as Clostridium (Sherman et al., 1974).<br/> <em>Soil.</em> The half-lives of ethion in an organic soil varied from 16 to 49 weeks; however, repeated applications each spring resulted in increased residues of unreacted ethion (Chapman et al., 1984).<br/> <em>Photolytic.</em> Ethion in hexane did not exhibit absorption at UV wavelengths >260 nm (Gore et al., 1971). <em>Chemical/Physical.</em> Emits toxic fumes of phosphorus and sulfur oxides when heated to decomposition (Sax and Lewis, 1987; Lewis, 1990).<br/> The hydrolysis half-lives of ethion in a sterile 1% ethanol/water solution at 25°C and pH values of 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0 were 99, 63, 58, 24 and 8.4 weeks, respectively (Chapman and Cole, 1982).

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