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Ketamine hydrochloride

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1867-66-9 Basic informationMore
<p>Ketamine hydrochloride is Off-White Solid</p> Ketamine is formulated as an acidic solution, pH 3.5 to 5.5,available with or without 0.1 mg/mL benzethonium chloridepreservative. Ketamine is marketed as the racemic mixtureand some properties of the individual isomers have beenelucidated. Ketamine is a rapid-acting agent that can beused for induction, used as the sole agent for general anesthesiaor combined with other agents. Unlike the proposedmechanism of action for most anesthetics, ketamine doesnot act at the GABAA receptor. Ketamine acts as a noncompetitiveantagonist at the glutamate, NMDA receptor, anonspecific ion channel receptor. The NMDA receptor is locatedthroughout the brain and contains four well-studiedbinding sites. The primary binding site binds L-glutamate,NMDA, and aspartate. The allosteric site binds glycine,which facilitates primary ligand binding. There is also amagnesium binding site that blocks ion flow through thechannel and a phencyclidine (PCP) binding site that blocksthe ion channel when occupied. Ketamine is believed tobind to the PCP site in a stereoselective manner and blockthe ion flow in the channel. By blocking the flow ofcalcium ions into the cell, ketamine prevents the calcium concentration from building and triggering excitatorysynaptic transmissions in the brain and spinal cord.

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