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Interferon alfacon-1

Basic information Supplier
118390-30-0 Basic informationMore
Interferon alfacon-1 (recombinant), Infergen,125 is a“consensus” interferon that shares structural elements ofIFN-α and several subtypes. The range of activity is about the same as the other alpha species, but the specific activityis greater.<br/>Interferon alfacon-1 is used in the treatment of chronichepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in patients 18 years of ageor older with compensated liver disease and who have anti-HCV serum antibodies or HCV RNA.The drug is administered by the SC route in a dose of 9 g3 times per week. Interferon alfacon-1 is supplied as a solutionin phosphate-buffered saline. It should be stored at 2°Cto 8°C without freezing. Avoid shaking the solution.

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