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Zaleplon (Sonata, a pyrazolopyrimidine) isanother short-acting nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic.Pharmacologically and pharmacokinetically, zaleplon is similarto zolpidem; both are hypnotic agents with short halflives.It also has selective high affinity for α1-subunit containingBzRs but produces effects at other BzR/GABAAsubtypes as well. Zaleplon is well absorbed following oraladministration with an absolute bioavailability of approximately30% because of significant presystemic metabolism.It exhibits a mean half-life of approximately 1 hour, with lessthan 1% of the dose excreted unchanged in urine. It is primarilymetabolized by aldehyde oxidase to 5-oxo-zaleplon andis also metabolized to a lesser extent by CYP3A4. Ndemethylationyields desethylzaleplon, which is quickly converted,presumably by aldehyde oxidase, to 5-oxo-desethylzaleplon.These oxidative metabolites are thenconverted to glucuronides and eliminated in urine. All of zaleplon’smetabolites are pharmacologically inactive. It mayhave a more rapid onset (about 1 hour) and termination of actionthan zolpidem, and therefore, it is good to initiate sleepinstead of keeping sleep.

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