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7782-41-4 Basic informationMore
Probably the most common use of fluorine is its addition to municipal water supplies tohelp prevent tooth decay. Stannous (II) fluoride (SnF2) is added to the water in proportionsof about one part per million (1 ppm). In addition, many brands of toothpaste add stannousfluoride or other fluoride compounds to their product to help prevent tooth decay. Toothenamel degenerates overtime. Fluorine promotes remineralization, essentially making a formof new enamel called “fluorapatite,” which is resistant to decay. Another popular use for the element fluorine is the plastic called Teflon. This is a fluoropolymerconsisting of long chainlike inert molecules of carbon linked chemically to fluorine.Teflon is useful as a coating for nonstick surfaces in cookware, ironing board covers, razorblades, and so forth.

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