PNU 100480 is an oxazolidinone antibiotic that is active against multidrug resistant tuberculosis. It inhibits the growth of M. tuberculosis replicating and nonreplicating strains (MIC = ~400 ng/ml for both) and of clinical isolates that are susceptible or resistant to a combination of isoniazid , rifampin (rifampicin; ), ethambutol , and streptomycin (; MICs = ≤0.0625-0.5 mg/L). It also inhibits the growth of P. insidiosum and P. aphanidermatum clinical isolates (MICs = 4-64 μg/ml). PNU 100480 (100 mg/kg per day) decreases the number of colony forming units (CFU) in the lung in a mouse model of systemic nonreplicating M. tuberculosis infection.