Vetiver oil is produced by steam distillation of the roots of the grass Vetiveria
zizanioides (L.)Nash (Poaceae), which grows wild or is cultivated inmany tropical
and subtropical countries.Theoil is a brown to reddish-brown, viscous liquid with
a characteristic precious-wood and root-like, long-lasting odor.
The tenacity of the highly complex vetiver oil is attributed to its high sesquiterpene
content. The ketones α-vetivone (1–6%) and β-vetivone (2–5%), which usually form up to 10% of the oil, as well as khusimol
(5–18%) and isovalencenol (1–16%), are the main constituents.
The oil contains a considerable number of bi- and tricyclic primary, secondary,
and tertiary sesquiterpene alcohols called vetiverols or vetivenols. These alcohols, as well as their acetates, are valuable fragrance
materials. Since several varieties of vetiver grass exist and since fresh as well
as air-dried roots are distilled under conditions that vary with the producer,
the quality of the commercial oils differs considerably. Oil yields are up to 3%.
150–200 t are produced annually.
물리적 성질
The oil is a viscous, light-brown to dark-brown liquid.
vetiver oil (Vetiveria zizanioides)(khus-khus) is considered stimulant and tonic, and used in perfumery as well as in cosmetics. The oil, which has an aromatic to harsh woodsy odor, is produced from the roots of a fragrant grass.
Essential oil composition
The main constituents include vetiverol (a mixture of sesquiterpene alcohols), vetiverone (sesquiterpene
ketone mixture), vetiveryl esters and palmitic and benzoic acids.
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China 82Europe 4France 1Germany 1India 20United Kingdom 1United States 49