A hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It increases the rate of removal of iodine from the blood by the thyroid gland, synthesis of the thyroid hormone, and its release into the bloodstream. The thyrotropic hormone is a protein with a low molecular weight (about 10,000) that contains some carbohydrate.
TSH, or thyrotropin, is a glycosylated protein of two
subunits, and . TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to
produce thyroid hormones. Deficiencies are treated by
giving thyroxine itself rather than TSH, but TSH is
available for diagnostic purposes to differentiate between
pituitary and thyroid gland failure as causes of
일반 설명
The thyrotropic hormone, also called thyrotropin and thyroidstimulatinghormone (TSH), is a glycoprotein consisting oftwo polypeptide chains. This hormone promotes productionof thyroid hormones by affecting the kinetics of the mechanismby which the thyroid concentrates iodide ions from thebloodstream, thereby promoting incorporation of the halogeninto the thyroid hormones and release of hormones by thethyroid. TSH (Thyropar) appears to be a glycoprotein (relativemolecular mass [Mr] 26,000–30,000) containing glucosamine,galactosamine, mannose, and fucose, whose homogeneityis yet to be established. It is produced by thebasophil cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.TSH enters the circulation from the pituitary, presumablytraversing cell membranes in the process. After exogenousadministration, it is widely distributed and disappears veryrapidly from circulation. Some evidence suggests that thethyroid may directly inactivate some of the TSH by an oxidationmechanism that may involve iodine. TSH thus inactivatedcan be reactivated by certain reducing agents.TSH regulates the production by the thyroid gland of thyroxine,which stimulates the metabolic rate. Thyroxinefeedback mechanisms regulate the production of TSH bythe pituitary gland.
Clinical Use
Recombinant form of human thyroidstimulating hormone (rhTSH). Used
diagnostically for serum thyroglobulin
TSH 공급 업체
China 32Germany 3Switzerland 1United Kingdom 2United States 11