[Note—The radiolabeled product used as a cardiac
imaging agent has the nonproprietary name indium In
111 imciromab pentetate].
일반 설명
Imciromab pentetate (murine; Myoscint Kit for the preparationof indium-111 imciromab pentetate) is a murine immunoglobulinfragment raised to the heavy chain of humanmyosin. The drug is a protein of the IgG2 κ class. It is monoclonal,consisting of the Fab-binding fragments only, and itis bound to the linker-chelator diethylenetriamine pentaaceticacid for labeling with indium-111. Imciromab bindsto the heavy chain of human myosin, the intracellular proteinfound in cardiac and skeletal muscle cells. Imciromab pentetate is indicated for detecting the presenceand location of myocardial injury in patients after a suspectedmyocardial infarction. In normal myocardium, intracellularproteins such as myosin are isolated from the extravascularspace by the cell membrane and are inaccessible to antibodybinding. After myocyte injury, the cell membrane loses integrityand becomes permeable to macromolecules, which allowsImciromab-In-111 to enter the cells, where it binds to intracellularmyosin. The drug localizes in infarcted tissues,where radionuclide scanning can visualize it.