Crude tall oil (CTO) is not a fatty oil. However, it is actually a mixture of five components with different boiling points, which are split by fractionation into heads (which boils first), then ‘tall oil fatty acids’ (TOFAs), distilled tall oil (DTO, a mixture of fatty and rosin acids), ‘tall oil rosin’ (TOR, a mixture of eight closely related rosin acids, i.e., abietic, neoabietic, palustric, levopimaric, dehydroabietic, pimaric, sandaracopimaric, and isopimaric acid), and pitch (the unsaponifiable residue). TOFA is mainly oleic acid. Furthermore, TOFAs contain unusual isomers, such as octadecadienoic acids with double bonds in the 5,9- and 5,12-positions. Important applications of TOFA are the manufacture of alkyd resins and dimer acids[1].
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