Climbing, fast-growing shrubs cultivated in Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela and other South American countries. It bears orange-yellow fruits that contain up to three seeds each. The seeds are collected and dry-roasted over fre Guarana is the dried paste made from the crushed seeds. The part used is the seed Guarana has an astringent, tonic, chocolate-like favor. The extract is pre- pared by alcoholic extraction of the paste.
물리적 성질
Guarana is a brown powder with characteristic taste and odor.
Guarana is a paste made from seeds of a shrub found in the Amazon and Brazil.
Guarana traditionally has been used as a stimulant and is typically used in combination with other products to promote weight loss.
Essential oil composition
The main constituents include caffeine (theine), tannic acid, theophylline, theobromine, adenine, guanine,
xanthine, hypoxanthine, resins, fixed oil, gums and saponins. Guarana is high in catechutannic acid and catechol, present in
a concentration of 5 to 6% dry weight.
과라나씨가루 공급 업체
Brazil 1China 49Europe 2France 1Germany 2Switzerland 1United States 14