MOL File1406-65-1.mol
クロロフィル 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
緑色~暗い緑色粉末~結晶 -
葉緑素ともいう.光合成生物中に含まれる緑色の色素で,クロロフィルa,b,c,…など10種類以上が知られている.これらはポルフィリン骨核のN原子が Mg2+ に配位した錯体である.クロロフィルa;C55H72MgN4O5(893.51).融点117~120 ℃.[α]20D-262°(アセトン).エーテル,エタノール,アセトン,ベンゼンなどに易溶,冷メタノールに難溶,石油エーテルに不溶.高等植物および緑藻には,クロロフィルaとbとが3:1の割合で含まれており,褐藻,けい藻,双鞭藻類ではbのかわりにcが含まれている.生体中では,クロロフィル類はそれぞれタンパク質と結合して存在し,光合成における光の吸収および光化学反応の担い手の役割を果たしている.[CAS 1406-65-1][別用語参照]葉緑体
森北出版「化学辞典(第2版) -
抽出されたクロロフィルでは、化学反応によって中心元素を人工的に置換することができる。特に銅が配位したものはマグネシウムのものよりも光や酸に対して安定であり、化粧品や食品への添加物として利用される。 -
Chlorophyll is a chlorin pigment found in cyanobacteria and the chloroplasts of algae and plants. Chlorophyll is an important molecule that plays a critical role in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll a is a specific form of chlorophyll used in oxygenic photosynthesis and absorbs most energy from wavelengths of violet-blue and orange-red light. Chlorophyl b is also involved in photosynthesis and absorbs primarily blue light. There are other forms of chlorophyl such as Chlorophyll c1, c2, c3 which are accessory pigments. Recently, Chlorophyll f was announced to be present in cyanobacteria and other oxygenic microorganisms that form stromatolites -
chlorophyll: One of a number ofpigments, including (chlorophyll aand chlorophyll b), that are responsiblefor the green colour of mostplants. Chlorophyll molecules are theprincipal sites of light absorption inthe light-dependent reactions ofphotosynthesis. They are magnesium-containing porphyrins, chemicallyrelated to cytochrome andhaemoglobin. -
Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants, algae and some bacteria. It is a complex chelate of magnesium containing porphyrins It is a magnesium complex of the phytil ester of porphyrin propionic acid. These pigments belong to the tetrapyrrole family of organic compounds. Genetic and environmental differences alter the relative amounts of chlorophyll pigment production and also produce leaves, ranging in color from dark green to yellow. The principal chlorophyll is chlorophyll-a , found in oxygenevolving organisms.
The leaf chlorophyll content is related to nitrogen nutrition; therefore, the relative chlorophyll content can serve as an indication of the nitrogen status of the plant. A hand-held chlorophyll meter provides an indication of the leaf nitrogen status of the crop.
Chlorophyll molecules have three functions. They serve as an antenna to absorb light quanta; they transmit this energy from one chlorophyll molecule to another by a process of 'resonance transfer' till finally the chlorophyll molecule, in close association with enzymes, undergoes chemical oxidation. The resulting electron of high potential is ejected from the molecule; this electron can then be made to perform biochemical work (that is, reduction of another compound). Thus, the energy of light quanta is converted to chemical energy.
Chlorophylls a, b, c, d and e, bacteriochlorophyll and bacterioviridin are all chlorophyll pigments. Chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b are abundant in higher plants. Chlorophyll-a contains a methyl group and chlorophyll-b contains an aldehyde group at C3atom. -
Poison by intravenous and intraperitoneal routes. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx.
クロロフィル 生産企業
Hebei Chuanghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd
電話番号 +86-15531157085<br/>+86-15531157085
電子メール abby@chuanghaibio.com
Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd
電話番号 +86-29-81148696<br/>+86-15536356810
電子メール 1022@dideu.com
Hebei Mujin Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
電話番号 +86 13288715578<br/>+8613288715578
電子メール sales@hbmojin.com
Hebei Yanxi Chemical Co., Ltd.
電話番号 +8617531153977
電子メール allison@yan-xi.com
Hebei Kingfiner Technology Development Co.Ltd
電話番号 +86-15532196582<br/>+86-15373005021
電子メール lisa@kingfinertech.com
Hebei Saisier Technology Co., LTD
電話番号 +86-18400010335<br/>+86-18034520335
電子メール admin@hbsaisier.cn
Hebei Zhuanglai Chemical Trading Co.,Ltd
電話番号 +8613343047651
電子メール admin@zlchemi.com
Hebei Longbang Technology Co., LTD
電話番号 +86-18633929156<br/>+86-18633929156
電子メール admin@hblongbang.com
Hebei Shengyang Water Conservancy Engineering Co., Ltd.
電話番号 +8615373025980
電子メール clara@hbshengyang.com
電話番号 +86-18532138899<br/>+86-18532138899
電子メール L18532138899@163.com