MOL File7440-29-1.mol
融点 | 1750° (Katzin, Sonnenberger); mp 1690° (Cuthbert) |
沸点 | bp ~3800° |
比重(密度) | 1.03 g/mL at 25 °C |
溶解性 | soluble in acid solutions |
外見 | ソフトグレーホワイトメタル |
色 | soft gray-white metal; cubic |
水溶解度 | 可溶性酸;不溶性水、アルカリ [HAW93] |
IARC | 1 (Vol. 78, 100D) 2012 |
EPAの化学物質情報 | Thorium-232 (7440-29-1) |
主な危険性 | T |
Rフレーズ | 23/24/25-34 |
Sフレーズ | 26-27-28-36/37/39-45 |
RIDADR | UN 3264 8/PG 3 |
国連危険物分類 | 7 |
容器等級 | Commercial |
有毒物質データの | 7440-29-1(Hazardous Substances Data) |
H373:長期にわたる、または反復暴露により臓器の障 害のおそれ
P210:熱/火花/裸火/高温のもののような着火源から遠ざ けること。-禁煙。
P260:粉じん/煙/ガス/ミスト/蒸気/スプレーを吸入しないこ と。
P270:この製品を使用する時に、飲食または喫煙をしないこ と。
P280:保護手袋/保護衣/保護眼鏡/保護面を着用するこ と。
P301+P312:飲み込んだ場合:気分が悪い時は医師に連絡する こと。
P305+P351+P338:眼に入った場合:水で数分間注意深く洗うこと。次にコ ンタクトレンズを着用していて容易に外せる場合は外す こと。その後も洗浄を続けること。
P321:特別な処置が必要である(このラベルの... を見よ)。
P332+P313:皮膚刺激が生じた場合:医師の診断/手当てを受けるこ と。
トリウム 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
その発見は比較的早く、1828年スウェーデンのベルツェリウスがノルウェー産鉱石中の新元素をスカンジナビア神話の雷神トールThorにちなんで命名した。1898年に至り、ドイツのシュミットG. C. N. Schmidt(1865―1949)とフランスのM・キュリー(ポーランド生まれ)が独立に放射性元素であることをみいだした。[岩本振武]
銀白色の立方晶系.密度11.780 g cm-3(20 ℃).融点1750 ℃,沸点4790 ℃(α形).1386 ℃ で体心立方晶.密度11.724 g cm-3(20 ℃)(β形)に転移する.水,アルカリには侵されないが,塩酸に易溶,過塩素酸,硫酸に徐々に溶け,硝酸では不動態となる.トリウムの酸化数2~4,通常の酸化数4で,無色の安定な化合物をつくる.標準電極電位 Th4+/Th-1.83 V.第一イオン化エネルギー586.5 kJ mol-1(6.08 eV),ThⅣ(六配位)のイオン半径0.108 nm.ハロゲン,窒素とは高温で反応する.塩化物,臭化物,ヨウ化物,塩素酸塩,臭素酸塩,硫酸塩などは水に可溶,水酸化物,フッ化物,ヨウ素酸塩,リン酸塩,シュウ酸塩などは水に不溶.塩類はチタンやジルコニウムの塩ほど加水分解しやすくはないが,水溶液を温めると容易に加水分解する.多種類の酸イオンと錯化合物をつくりやすく,たとえば,[Th(NO3)6]2-,[Th(SO4)4]2- などがある.溶接用電極棒,高輝度放電(HID)ランプ電極, 船底塗料などに利用されている.健康衣料·寝具,家庭用温泉器(入浴剤),医療用枕などに含まれていることがある.トリウムは原子力基本法のいう「核燃料物質·核原料物質」で「核原料物質,核燃料物質及び原子炉の規制に関する法律施行令」により,900 g を超える場合は使用許可を要する. -
地殻岩石圏に広く分布し、主要鉱物にはトリアン石ThO2、トール石Th(SiO4)があるが、工業資源としてはモナズ石(主成分CePO4)が重要である。原鉱には他の元素が多く含まれているため、粉砕後、濃硫酸溶解、リン酸塩、シュウ酸塩、硝酸塩などとしての分別沈殿を重ね、溶媒抽出法で精製し、電解法あるいは還元法で金属トリウムを得る。 -
Th.原子番号90の元素.電子配置[Rn]6d27s2の周期表3族遷移金属元素.アクチノイド元素の一つ.天然放射性元素である.原子量232.0381(1).天然放射性核種として量的にはほとんどすべて 232Th(α線放出,半減期1.40×1010 y)であるが,微量の 234Th,230Th(ウラン系列),228Th(トリウム系列),231Th,227Th(アクチニウム系列)が含まれる.そのほか,質量数209~238の人工放射性核種が知られている.1829年,スウェーデンのJ.J. Berzelius(ベルセリウス)によってトール石のなかから発見された.トールは北欧神話の雷神Thorで,Berzeliusはほかの鉱石に誤ってこの名称をつけていたが,新元素の発見により元素名とともに命名しなおした.宇田川榕菴は天保8年(1837年) に出版した「舎密開宗」で,これを音訳して多𠌃母(トリュウム)としている.天然にはトール石,ホウトリウム鉱などの鉱物が知られているが,資源的にはモナズ石が利用される.地殻中の存在度3.5 ppm.埋蔵量はオーストラリア,インド,アメリカ,ノルウェイで世界の80% を占める.ThO2をアルゴン中または真空中でカルシウム還元するか,ハロゲン化物の融解塩電解または熱分解などにより金属を得る.森北出版「化学辞典(第2版)
Discovered in 1828 by Berzelius, thorium is a naturally occurring radioactive metal with no stable isotopes, which is named for the Norse god Thor. It is about as abundant as lead. Soil commonly contains an average of about six parts of thorium per million parts (ppm) of soil. Thorium occurs in the minerals thorite, thorianite, orangite, and yttrocrasite, and in monazite sand. Rocks in some underground mines may also contain thorium in a more concentrated form. After these rocks are mined, thorium is usually concentrated and changed into thorium dioxide or other chemical forms. Thorium-bearing rock that has had most of the thoriumremoved from it is called ‘depleted’ ore or tailings. -
Thorium is a silvery-white, soft, ductile metal which is a natural radioactive element. -
Thorium is a radioactive, silvery-white metal when freshly cut. It takes a month or morefor it to tarnish in air, at which point it forms a coating of black oxide. Although it is heavy,it is also a soft and malleable actinide metal. The metal has a rather low melting point, but itsoxide has a very high melting point of about 3,300°C. Thorium reacts slowly with water butreacts more vigorously with hydrochloric acid (HCl).
Thorium’s melting point is 1,750°C, its boiling point is 4,788°C, and its density is 11.79g/cm3. -
There are 30 radioisotopes of thorium. One isotope in particular, thorium-232,although a weak source of radiation, has such a long half-life (1.405×10+10 years, orabout 14 billion years) that it still exists in nature and is considered stable. -
Thorium was named for Thor, the Scandinavian (Norse) god of “thunder.” -
Thorium is the 37th most abundant element found on Earth, and it makes up about0.0007% of the Earth’s crust. It is mostly found in the ores of thorite, thorianite (the oxide ofthorium), and monazite sand. It is about as abundant as lead in the Earth’s crust. As a potentialfuel for nuclear reactors, thorium has more energy potential than the entire Earth’s supply ofuranium, coal, and gas combined. -
Thorium is chemically similar to hafnium (72Hf ) and zirconium (40Zr), located just above itin group 4 (IVB). Thorium-232 is found in nature in rather large quantities and goes througha complicated decay process called the thorium decay series. This series involves both alphaand beta emissions, as follows: Th-232 →Ra-228→Ac-228→Th-228→Ra-224→Rn-220→Po-216→Po-212→Pb-212→Bi-212→Ti-208→Pb-208. Thorium-232 can also be convertedinto thorium-233 or uranium-233 by bombarding it with neutrons. This results in Th-232adding a neutron to its nucleus, thus increasing its atomic weight. It then decays into uranium-233. This makes it potentially useful as an experimental new type of fissionable materialfor use in nuclear reactors designed to produce electricity. -
Thorium has several commercial uses. For example, thorium oxide (ThO2) has several uses,including in the Welsbach lantern mantle that glows with a bright flame when heated by agas burner. Because of the oxide’s high melting point, it is used to make high-temperaturecrucibles, as well as glass with a high index of refraction in optical instruments. It is alsoused as a catalyst in the production of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), in the cracking procedures inthe petroleum industry, and in the conversion of ammonia (NH3) into nitric acid (HNO3).Thorium is used as a “jacket” around the core of nuclear reactors, where it becomes fissionableuranium-233 that is then used for the nuclear reaction to produce energy. Additionally,it is used in photoelectric cells and X-ray tubes and as a coating on the tungsten used to makefilaments for light bulbs. It has great potential to supplant all other nonrenewable energysources (i.e., coal, gas, and atomic energy). Thorium-232 can be converted into uranium-233,a fissionable fuel available in much greater quantities than other forms of fissionable materialsused in nuclear reactors. -
A toxic radioactive element of the actinoid series that is a soft ductile silvery metal. It has several long-lived radioisotopes found in a variety of minerals including monazite. Thorium is used in magnesium alloys, incandescent gas mantles, and nuclear fuel elements. Symbol: Th; m.p. 1780°C; b.p. 4790°C (approx.); r.d. 11.72 (20°C); p.n. 90; r.a.m. 232.0381. -
Thorium is extracted from monazite sand concentrates for metallurgical and other purposes by digestion with either hot, fuming sulfuric acid or caustic soda. The resultant mass is diluted with water that dissolves thorium, uranium, and rare earth metals, leaving unreacted monazite, silica, rutile (TiO2), and zircon (ZrSiO4). Neutralization of the liquor precipitates thorium phosphate, leaving behind uranium and most of the rare earth metals.
In 1974, U.S. domestic use of thorium was about 80 tons, about one-half of which was employed to produce nuclear fuels and for nuclear research. Principal nonenergy applications applications were in the production of Welsbach incandescent gaslight mantles, as a hardener in Th–Mg alloys, in thoriated tungsten electrodes, and for chemical catalytic uses. Overall, the consumption of thorium in the United States has decreased significantly over the past several decades as nonradioactive substances have replaced thorium in many applications. -
Silver to grayish radioactive metal. Twice as dense as lead. Radioactive materials emit ionizing radiation, detectable only using special instruments. Exposure to intense levels of radiation or prolonged exposure to low levels can be harmful. Film is also damaged by radiation. -
Pyrophoric material, spontaneously ignites in air. -
THORIUM when heated with chlorine (or sulfur), reacts vigorously with incandescence [Mellor 7:208 1946-47]. When thorium is heated with phosphorus, they unite with incandescence [Svenska Akad. 1829 p.1]. -
Flammable and explosive in powder form. Dusts of thorium have very low ignition points and may ignite at room temperature. Radioactive decay isotopes are dangerous when ingested. -
Radiation presents minimal risk to transport workers, emergency response personnel and the public during transportation accidents. Packaging durability increases as potential hazard of radioactive content increases. Undamaged packages are safe. Contents of damaged packages may cause higher external radiation exposure, or both external and internal radiation exposure if contents are released. Low radiation hazard when material is inside container. If material is released from package or bulk container, hazard will vary from low to moderate. Level of hazard will depend on the type and amount of radioactivity, the kind of material it is in, and/or the surfaces it is on. Some material may be released from packages during accidents of moderate severity but risks to people are not great. Released radioactive materials or contaminated objects usually will be visible if packaging fails. Some exclusive use shipments of bulk and packaged materials will not have "RADIOACTIVE" labels. Placards, markings and shipping papers provide identification. Some packages may have a "RADIOACTIVE" label and a second hazard label. The second hazard is usually greater than the radiation hazard; so follow this GUIDE as well as the response GUIDE for the second hazard class label. Some radioactive materials cannot be detected by commonly available instruments. Runoff from control of cargo fire may cause low-level pollution. -
Suspected carcinogen. Taken internally as Th02, it has proven to be carcinogenic due to its radioactivity. On an acute basis it has caused dermatitis. Flammable in the form of dust when exposed to heat or flame, or by chemical reaction with oxidizers. The powder may ignite spontaneously in air. Potentially hazardous reactions with chlorine, fluorine, bromine, oxygen, phosphorus, silver, sulfur, air, nitryl fluoride, peroxyformic acid. -
Metallic thorium is used in nuclear reactors to produce nuclear fuel; in the manufacture of incandescent mantles; as an alloying material, especially with some of the lighter metals, for example, magnesium as a reducing agent in metallurgy; for filament coatings in incandescent lamps and vacuum tubes; as a catalyst in organic synthesis; in ceramics; and in welding electrodes. Exposure may occur during production and use of thorium-containing materials, in the casting and machining of alloy parts; and from the fume produced during welding with thorium electrodes. Thorium nitrate is an oxidizer. Contact with combustibles, and reducing agents will cause violent combustion or ignition. -
Thorium’s usage may result in release of thorium compounds to the environment through various waste streams. As noted above, thorium is also found naturally, particularly in monazite sand. Thorium compounds are expected to exist in the particulate phase if released to the atmosphere based on their low vapor pressures and may be removed from the air by wet and dry depositions. Th and ThO2 have low mobility in soils. In aquatic releases, adsorption is expected to be the primary means of removal from the system. -
UN2975 Thorium metal, pyrophoric, Hazard class: 7; Labels: 7-Radioactive material, 4.2-Spontaneously combustible material. Note: UN/NA 2975 doesn’t appear in the 49 CFR Hazmat Table. -
The powder may ignite spontaneously in air. Heating may cause violent combustion or explosion. May explosively decompose from shock, friction, or concussion. Incompatible with strong oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause violent fires or explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides, nitryl fluoride; peroxyformic acid; silver, sulfur. -
Recovery and recycling is in the preferred route.
トリウム 生産企業
Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.,Ltd.
電話番号 +86-0371-55170693<br/>+86-19937530512
電子メール info@tianfuchem.com
Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd.
電話番号 18871490254
電子メール linda@hubeijusheng.com
Spectrum Chemical Manufacturing Corp.
電話番号 021-021-021-67601398-809-809-809<br/>15221380277
電子メール marketing_china@spectrumchemical.com
Chizhou Kailong Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd.
電子メール xg01_gj@163.com
TCI (Shanghai) Chemical Trading Co., Ltd.
電話番号 021-021-61109150
電子メール sales@tcisct.com