Phosphine biotin is a labeling reagent that selectively reacts with azido groups on modified proteins through the Staudinger ligation reaction. Modified proteins can be detected using common avidin-
based biochemical techniques in whole cells or by blotting experiments following SDS-PAGE. For example, phosphine-
biotin has been used successfully in conjunction with DAz-1 or DAz-2 to label and detect sulfenic acid sites in proteins.
1. Seo, Y.H., and Carroll, K.S.
Facile synthesis and biological evaluation of a cell-permeable probe to detect redox-regulated proteins Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 19(2),356-359(2009).
2. Reddie, K.G., Seo, Y.H., Muse, W.B., III, et al.
A chemical approach for detecting sulfenic acid-modified proteins in living cells Mol. Biosyst. 4(6),521-531(2008).