2-(N-(5-Chloro-2-methylphenyl)methylsulfonamido)-N-(2,6-difluorophenyl)acetamide is a small molecule that enhances hepatocyte functions and promotes the differentiation if induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes towards a more mature phenotype than what was previously obtainable.
Biological Activity
fph1 is a small molecule that promotes the functional proliferation of primary hepatocytes [1].fph1 belongs to the functional proliferation hits which are screened out by their ability to permit renewable sourcing of functional human hepatocytes. this ability of fph1 is not dependent on the donors of the hepatocytes. it has been found that fph1 was active against the primary human hepatocytes from six cell sources of genetically diverse individuals. besides that, fph1 can affect the hepatocyte functions with promoting albumin secretion during the differentiation of ips cells into iheps. moreover, treatment of fph1 also resulted in the increase of cyp3a4 levels and the decrease of afp secretion [1].
[1] shan j, schwartz r e, ross n t, et al. identification of small molecules for human hepatocyte expansion and ips differentiation. nature chemical biology, 2013.