This aconitine alkaloid is present in several A conitum species indigenous to
Japan, e.g. Aconitum calliantum Koidzumi, A. grossedentatum, Nakai, A.
hakusanense Nakai, A. kamtschaticum Willd. et Reichb., A. lucidusculum Nakai,
A. senanense Nakai, A. subcuneatum Nakai, A. tortuosum Willd. and A. Zuccarini
Nakai. It yields clusters of colourless needles when crystallized from Me2COMeOH and gives a form, m.p. 172-4 °c in addition to the one having the above
melting point. It is dextrorotatory with [α]
29D~} + 85.27° (MeOH), or [α]
14D +
92.98°. Crystalline salts of the alkaloid have been prepared, e.g. the hydrochloride, m.p. 245-6°C (dec.); hydrobromide, m.p. 260-2°C (dec.) and the
nitrate which crystallizes as the monohydrate, m.p. 220-2°C (dec. dry). Alkaline
hydrolysis furnishes benzoic acid and hydroignavinol, C20H2S04N, m.p. 302°C.
Ochiai et al., J. Pharm. Soc., Japan, 72, 816 (1952)
Ochiai et al., ibid, 76, 550 (1956)
Ochiai", Okamoto, Sasaki., ibid, 75,545 (1955)
Ochiai et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 6,327 (1958)
Ochiai et al., ibid, 8, 976 (1960)
Pelletier., Tetrahedron, 14,103 (1961)