NFkappaB Activation Inhibitor III is a TNF-α-stimulated NF kappa B activation inhibitor.
Biological Activity
nf-κb activation inhibitor iii is a nf-κbκb (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated b cells) is a protein complex controling transcription of dna, cytokine production as well as cell survival. nf-κb is found in nearly all animal cell types and is involved in cellular responses to stimuli such as cytokines, stress, free radicals, heavy metals, and bacterial or viral antigens.
in vitro
previous study found that nf-κb activation inhibitor iii could inhibite tnf-a-induced mmp-9 upregulation in concentration-dependently and showed maximal activity at 10 μm. nf-κb activation inhibitor iii also inhibited tnf-a-induced mmp-9 mrna transcript accumulation and protein expression. it was also found that nf-κb activation inhibitor iii strongly inhibited tnf-a-induced nf-jb activity but not ap-1 activity. in addition, nf-κb activation inhibitor iii was able to strongly inhibit the tnf-a-induced invasion of ht1080 human fibrosarcoma cell line. these findings demonstrated that nf-κb activation inhibitor iii was a synthetic compound inhibiting tnf-a-induced mmp-9 expression, and therefore nf-κb activation inhibitor iii would be useful for the development of chemotherapy targeting tnf-a-mediated tumor invasion and metastasis [1]. nf-κb activation inhibitor iii was used to disrupt nf-κb signaling to evaluate the role of syndecans in mediating extracellular matrix integrity [2].
[1] h. y. lee, k. s. park, m. k. kim, et al. a small compound that inhibits tumor necrosis factor-α-induced matrix metalloproteinase-9 upregulation. biochemical and biophysical research communications 336(2), 716-722 (2005).
[2] h. yang, h. liu, x. li, et al. tnf-α and tgf-β1 regulate syndecan-4 expression in nucleus pulposus cells: role of the mitogen-activated protein kinase and nf-κb pathways. connect.tissue res. 56(4), 281-287 (2015).