A Daphnandra alkaloid, this base is found in D. repandula. It gives a crop of
colourless crystals from MeOH and has [α]
20D - 74.6° (CHCI3) or - 78.4°
(C6H6). The hydrochloride is laevorotatory with [α]
20D - 141° and the hydrobromide and sulphate are both crystalline and both decompose above 200°C.
The alkaloid behaves as a diacidic base, contains three methoxyl groups and two
methylimino groups, but no methylenedioxy groups.
Bick, Whalley., Univ. Queens/and Papers, Dept. Chern., 1, No. 28 (1946)
Bick, Whalley., ibid, 1, No. 30 (1947)