Biological Activity
Fluorescent, amyloid-specific dye', 'X-34 (1,4-bis(3-carboxy-4-hydroxyphenylethenyl)-benzene) is one among the small-molecule γ-secretase modulators (GSMs) involved in lowering Aβ42 levels (the 42-residue isoform of the amyloid-β peptide). X-34 has also been used to visualize intracellular immunoreactive deposits with classic amyloid fibrillar ultrastructure in living transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans animals. It is also used as a histochemical stain for determining pathological changes in Alzheimerμs disease (AD).', 'X-34 is a fluorescent, amyloid-specific dye. It binds at a different site than Pittsburgh Compound B and is a highly fluorescent marker for beta-sheet structures.