Poly(cytidylic-inosinic) Poly(C,I) is a random copolymer of inosine and cytidine bases which may be useful for comparative physicochemical analysis versus other random copolymers such as Poly(C,A), Poly(C,U) and Poly(C,G).
Biological Activity
Poly(cytidylic-inosinic) Poly(C,I) is a random copolymer of inosine and cytidine bases which may be useful for comparative physicochemical analysis versus other random copolymers such as Poly(C,A), Poly(C,U) and Poly(C,G).', 'Poly(cytidylic-inosinic) acid, poly I:C mimics viral RNA to induce immune response. Administration of poly I:C promotes cytotoxic functionality of natural killer cells and macrophages. However, poly I:C may trigger generation of anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMAs) and contribute to the pathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). Poly I:C may play a hepatoprotective role in Con A-induced T cell-dependent liver injury.