First isolated from Lycoris radiata, this alkaloid has since been found in several
species of Narcissus. It is strongly laevorotatory with [α]
D - 170.5° (c 0.18,
EtOH) or - 151 ° (c 0.42, CHCI3). The ultraviolet spectrum consists of a single
absorption maximum at 282 mJI. The salts and derivatives crystallize readily and
include the hydriodide, m.p. 237°C (dec.); the perchlorate, m.p. 260°C (dec.),
the methiodide, m.p. 259-261°C (dec.); [α]
29D~l - 129° (c 0.39, H20); the methoperchlorate, m.p. 239-241°C and the O-acetate, m.p. 184°C. Two methoxyl
groups and a non-phenolic hydroxyl group are present.
Boit, Ehmke., Chem. Ber., 89, 163 (1956)
Boit et al., ibid, 90, 363 (1957)