electrolyte: A liquid that conductselectricity as a result of the presenceof positive or negative ions. Electrolytesare molten ionic compoundsor solutions containing ions, i.e. solutionsof ionic salts or of compoundsthat ionize in solution. Liquid metals,in which the conduction is by freeelectrons, are not usually regarded aselectrolytes. Solid conductors of ions,as in the sodium-sulphur cell, arealso known as electrolytes.
Agricultural Uses
Electrolyte is a liquid or gel which contains ions and can be decomposed by electrolysis.
Electrolytes are salts, usually composed of orderly arrangements of ions, that are not free to move easily in solid. However, they ionize in water to give ions.
Electrolytes are classified as strong electrolytes when they dissociate completely in water, and weak electrolytes when they dissociate partially. Sodium chloride is a strong electrolyte and acetic acid, a weak electrolyte.