Immunocytochemistry Comparison Analysis:Similar to Figure 1 in the datasheet, HeLa cells were plated in a chamber slide and transduced with lentiviral particles at an MOI of 20 for 24 hours. After 24 hours, media was replaced and cells were then further incubated for 48 hours. Immunocytochemical staining (green) of the same fields of view with a monoclonal antibody against Vimentin (C at No. MAB3400) reveals similar expression patterns to the RFP-protein (red). Hard-to-transfect Cell Types:Primary cell types HUVEC or HuMSC were plated in chamber slides and transduced with lentiviral particles at an MOI of 20 and 10, respectively, for 24 hours. Confocal Microscopy Imaging: HeLa and U2OS cells were treated as in Figure 2A in the datasheet. Images were obtained by oil immersion confocal fluorescence microscopy. For optimal fluorescent visualization, it is recommended to analyze the target expression level within 24-48 hrs after transfection/infection for optimal live cell analysis, as fluorescent intensity may dim over time, especially in difficult-to-transfect cell lines. Infected cells may be frozen down after successful transfection/infection and thawed in culture to retain positive fluorescent expression beyond 24-48 hrs. Length and intensity of fluorescent expression varies between cell lines. Higher MOIs may be required for difficult-to-transfect cell lines.', 'Research Category
Cell Structure', 'Research Sub Category