wesentliche Informationen Verwandte Suche

Germanium oxide (GeO2), solid soln. with magnesium fluoride and magnesium oxide, manganese-doped Struktur

Germanium oxide (GeO2), solid soln. with magnesium fluoride and magnesium oxide, manganese-doped

Bezeichnung:Germanium oxide (GeO2), solid soln. with magnesium fluoride and magnesium oxide, manganese-doped


Englisch Name:Germanium oxide (GeO2), solid soln. with magnesium fluoride and magnesium oxide, manganese-doped



MOL-DateiMol file

101357-13-5, Germanium oxide (GeO2), solid soln. with magnesium fluoride and magnesium oxide, manganese-doped Verwandte Suche: