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Low-Substituted Hydroxyproxyl Cellulose Struktur

Low-Substituted Hydroxyproxyl Cellulose

Bezeichnung:Low-Substituted Hydroxyproxyl Cellulose


Englisch Name:Low-Substituted Hydroxyproxyl Cellulose



MOL-DateiMol file

Low-Substituted Hydroxyproxyl Cellulose physikalisch-chemischer Eigenschaften

Löslichkeit Practically insoluble in ethanol (95%) and in ether. Dissolves in a solution of sodium hydroxide (1 in 10) and produces a viscous solution. Insoluble, but swells in water.

Low-Substituted Hydroxyproxyl Cellulose Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden

Low-Substituted Hydroxyproxyl Cellulose Anbieter Lieferant Produzent Hersteller Vertrieb Händler.

Low-Substituted Hydroxyproxyl Cellulose Verwandte Suche: