wheat germ oil is an emollient, it helps improve the feel and texture of the skin. The therapeutic benefits associated with wheat germ oil include anti-oxidant and free-radical scavenging properties, given its vitamin e content, as well as regenerating activity. Additional constituents include vitamins A, B, and D, and lecithin. It is cited as appropriate for use in anti-aging products, as well as for dry skin, sunburned skin, eczema, and on stretch marks. The oil is obtained by the expression or extraction of wheat germ.
wheat germ oil (unsaponifiable) acts as a hormone-like cellular messenger. Studies indicate that this activity can stimulate the fibroblast to produce collagen, elastin, proteoglycans, and structural glycoproteins.
wheat germ extract is used in cosmetics because of its high vitamin e content. This extract is obtained from the wheat kernel embryo separated in milling.