生物活性 靶点 体外研究 体内研究 BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60 试剂级价格
ChemicalBook  CAS数据库列表  BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60


BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60,849234-64-6,结构式
  • CAS号:849234-64-6
  • 英文名:4-acetamido-N-(2-amino-5-(thiophen-2-yl)phenyl)benzamide
  • 中文名:BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60
  • CBNumber:CB93380135
  • 分子式:C19H17N3O2S
  • 分子量:351.42
  • MOL File:849234-64-6.mol
BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60化学性质
  • 储存条件 :Store at -20°C
  • 溶解度 :DMSO: soluble
  • 形态 :A solid
  • 颜色 :Off-white to gray

BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60性质、用途与生产工艺

  • 生物活性 BRD-6929 是 I 类组蛋白去乙酰化酶 HDAC1 和 HDAC2 的脑渗透性选择性抑制剂 (IC50= 1 和 8 nM)。BRD-6929 对 HDAC1 和 HDAC2 有高亲和力 (Ki = 0.2 和 1.5 nM)。BRD-6929 可用于情绪相关行为的研究。
  • 靶点


    1 nM (IC 50 )


    8 nM (IC 50 )


    458 nM (IC 50 )


  • 体外研究

    In vitro IC 50 for HDAC1-9 by BRD-6929 using recombinant human HDAC enzymes and HDAC class-specific substrates. BRD-6929 and substrate are incubated for 180 min (HDAC1-3) to control for HDAC1-3 inhibition, BRD-6929 is against HDAC1, HDAC2, HDAC3 and HDAC4-9 with IC 50 s of 0.001 µM, 0.008 µM, 0.458 µM and >30 µM, respectively. In vitro binding affinity (K i ) and kinetics (half-life ‘T 1/2 ′ in minutes) for HDAC 1, 2 and 3 incubated with BRD-6929 (10 µM), the K i values are <0.2 nM, 1.5nM, and 270 nM for HDAC 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The T 1/2 values are >2400 mins, >4800 mins, and 1200 mins for HDAC 1, 2 and 3, respectively. BRD-6929 (1 and 10 uM) does not cause an increase or decrease in overall cell number in brain region specific primary cultures. Additionally, BRD-6929 (10 uM) causes an increase in H4K12 acetylation in brain region specific primary cultures (striatum).BRD-6929 (1-10 uM; 6 hours) causes a significant increase in H2B acetylation in primary neuronal cell cultures. BRD-6929 (1-20 uM; 24 hours) induces a dose-dependent acetylation of H4K12ac with an EC 50 of 7.2 µM in cultured neurons.BRD-6929 potentiates the efficacy of gnidimacrin (a PKC Agonist) against latent HIV-1.

  • 体内研究

    BRD-6929 (intraperitoneal injection; 45 mg/kg; single dose) exhibits a C max , T 1/2 and AUC values of 17.7 μM, 7.2 hours, and 25.6 μM/L*hr, respectively in plasma. It shows a C max , T 1/2 and AUC values of 0.83 μM, 6.4 hours, and 3.9 μM/L*hr, respectively in brain.BRD-6929 (intraperitoneal injection; 45 mg/kg; 10 days) acts as a deacetylase inhibitor in mouse brain. It significantly increases acetylation in each brain region by 1.5- to 2.0-fold compared to vehicle. The western blotting reveals that BRD-6929 significantly increases acetylation of histone H2B (tetra-acetylated), H3K9 and H4K12 in cortex, ventral striatum and hippocampus after the 10th daily treatment in adult male C57BL/6J mice.

BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60上下游产品信息
BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60 试剂级价格
  • 更新日期:2024/08/19
  • 产品编号:HY-100719
  • 产品名称:BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60 BRD-6929
  • CAS编号:849234-64-6
  • 包装:1mg
  • 价格:342元
  • 更新日期:2024/08/19
  • 产品编号:HY-100719
  • 产品名称:BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60 BRD-6929
  • CAS编号:849234-64-6
  • 包装:5mg
  • 价格:900元
BRD 6929;COMPOUND-60生产厂家
  • 公司名称:TargetMol Chemicals Inc.
  • 联系电话:+1-781-999-5354 +1-00000000000
  • 电子邮件:marketing@targetmol.com
  • 国家:美国
  • 产品数:19892
  • 优势度:58
  • 公司名称:Aladdin Scientific
  • 联系电话:+1-+1(833)-552-7181
  • 电子邮件:sales@aladdinsci.com
  • 国家:美国
  • 产品数:52927
  • 优势度:58
  • 公司名称:CAYMAN
  • 联系电话:--
  • 电子邮件:cayman@caymanchem.com
  • 国家:美国
  • 产品数:6618
  • 优势度:81
  • 公司名称:MedChemExpress
  • 联系电话:--
  • 电子邮件:sales@medchemexpress.com
  • 国家:美国
  • 产品数:6398
  • 优势度:58