生物活性 体外研究 体内研究
ChemicalBook  CAS数据库列表  Z62954982


  • CAS号:1090893-12-1
  • 英文名:Rac1 Inhibitor II
  • 中文名:Z62954982
  • CBNumber:CB92684115
  • 分子式:C20H21N3O5S
  • 分子量:415.46
  • MOL File:1090893-12-1.mol
  • 储存条件 :-20C
  • 溶解度 :Soluble in DMSO
  • 形态 :Off-white solid
  • 颜色 :White to off-white


  • 生物活性 Z62954982 (ZINC08010136) 是一种强效的、选择性的、细胞渗透性强的 Rac1 (IC50=12 μM) 抑制剂,比 NSC23766 (HY-15723A) (IC50=50 μM) 有效性强 4 倍。Z62954982 干扰 Rac1/Tiam1 复合物,降低活性 Rac1 (GTP 结合的 Rac1) 的细胞质水平,而不影响其他 Rho GTPases (如,Cdc42 或 RhoA) 的活性。
  • 体外研究

    Z62954982 (5-100 μM; 4 hours) reduces the intracellular levels of Rac1- GTP in a concentration-dependent manner,and shows the most potent inhibitory action with an IC 50 of 12.2 μM in Human SMCs.Z62954982 (25 μM; 4 hours) significantly reduces the ratio Rac1-GTP/Rac1 and has the most potent inhibitory action (86.0%) in cultured SMCs.Z62954982 (10-100 μM; 72 hours) causes a concentration-dependent decrease in transendothelial electrical resistance (TER) in both HDMEC and HUVEC monolayers.

  • 体内研究

    Z62954982 (intraperitoneal injection; 10 mg/kg every other day or 20 mg/kg daily; 3 weeks) has no obvious signs of toxicity and decreases both phosphorylation of p38 as well as secreted IL-6 in PASMCs in response to hypoxia in both abr -/- and bcr -/- mice.

    Animal Model: Male bcr -/- , abr -/- and wt mice (8 to 10-week-old littermates) are exposed to hypoxia (10% O2) or normoxia (21% O2) for 3 weeks
    Dosage: 10 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg
    Administration: Intraperitoneal injection; 10 mg/kg every other day or 20 mg/kg daily; 3 weeks
    Result: Promoted phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and increased IL-6 in Hypoxia in mice.
  • 公司名称:上海传芊化工科技中心
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  • 国家:中国
  • 产品数:3715
  • 优势度:58
  • 公司名称:TargetMol中国(陶术生物)
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  • 国家:中国
  • 产品数:23962
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  • 公司名称:南通全益生物科技有限公司
  • 联系电话:0513-66337626 18051384581
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  • 国家:中国
  • 产品数:4658
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  • 公司名称:銳迪國際科技有限公司
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  • 国家:中国
  • 产品数:9268
  • 优势度:58