生物活性 靶点 体外研究 体内研究
ChemicalBook  CAS数据库列表  化合物 T10594

化合物 T10594

化合物 T10594,42494-73-5,结构式
化合物 T10594
  • CAS号:42494-73-5
  • 英文名:BPV(PHEN)
  • 中文名:化合物 T10594
  • CBNumber:CB8434973
  • 分子式:C12H8KN2O5V
  • 分子量:350.24
  • MOL File:42494-73-5.mol
化合物 T10594化学性质
  • 储存条件 :-20°C
  • 溶解度 :H2O: soluble20mg/mL, clear
  • 形态 :Yellow solid
  • 颜色 :faint yellow to dark yellow

化合物 T10594性质、用途与生产工艺

  • 生物活性 bpV(phen),一种胰岛素模拟物,是一种有效的蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶 (PTP) 和 PTEN 抑制剂,对 PTEN,PTP-β 和 PTP-1B 的 IC50 为 38 nM,343 nM 和 920 nM。bpV(phen) 在体外抑制原生动物寄生虫利什曼原虫的增殖。bpV(phen) 强烈诱导大量趋化因子和促炎性细胞因子的分泌,并激活 Th1 型途径 (IL-12,IFNγ)。bpV(phen) 还可以诱导细胞凋亡 (apoptosis),并具有抗血管生成和抗肿瘤活性。
  • 靶点

    IC50: 38 nM (PTEN), 343 nM (PTP-β) and 920 nM (PTP-1B)
    Parasite Leishmania

  • 体外研究

    bpV(phen) (5 μM; 24.5 hours; H9c2 cells) treatment causes a further decrease of cell viability in H/R-injured H9c2 cells.
    bpV(phen) (5 μM; 24.5 hours; H9c2 cells) treatment increases the apoptosis of H/R-injured H9c2 cells.
    bpV(phen) (5 μM; 24.5 hours; H9c2 cells) treatment significantly promotes the accumulation of cytoplasmic Cytochrome C in H/R-injured H9c2 cells.
    After stimulation of bpV(phen), PTEN-induced putative kinase protein 1 (PINK1)/Parkin-mediated mitophagy is inhibited.
    bpV(phen) is an insulin-mimetic agent following insulin-receptor tyrosine kinase hyperphosphorylation and activation.

    Cell Viability Assay

    Cell Line: Hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R)-injured H9c2 cells
    Concentration: 5 μM
    Incubation Time: 24.5 hours (hypoxia for 24 h; reoxygenation for 30 minutes)
    Result: Caused a further decrease of cell viability.

    Apoptosis Analysis

    Cell Line: Hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R)-injured H9c2 cells
    Concentration: 5 μM
    Incubation Time: 24.5 hours (hypoxia for 24 h; reoxygenation for 30 minutes)
    Result: Increased the apoptosis of H/R-injured H9c2 cells.

    Western Blot Analysis

    Cell Line: Hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R)-injured H9c2 cells
    Concentration: 5 μM
    Incubation Time: 24.5 hours (hypoxia for 24 h; reoxygenation for 30 minutes)
    Result: Showed an increased release of Cytochrome C.
  • 体内研究

    bpV(phen) (5 mg/kg; intraperitoneal injection; daily; for 38 days; male BALB/c nude (nu/nu) athymic mice) treatment causes a significant reduction in average tumor volume.

    Animal Model: Male BALB/c nude (nu/nu) athymic mice (6-7 weeks old) injected with PC-3 cells
    Dosage: 5 mg/kg
    Administration: Intraperitoneal injection; daily; for 38 days
    Result: Caused a significant reduction in average tumor volume.
化合物 T10594上下游产品信息
化合物 T10594生产厂家
  • 公司名称:VWR
  • 联系电话:--
  • 电子邮件:solutions@vwr.com
  • 国家:英国
  • 产品数:6554
  • 优势度:82