Mouse 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase (PRKRIR) ELISA Kit

Mouse 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase (PRKRIR) ELISA Kit,,结构式
Mouse 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase (PRKRIR) ELISA Kit
  • CAS号:
  • 英文名:Mouse 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase (PRKRIR) ELISA Kit
  • 中文名:
  • CBNumber:CB65742172
  • 分子式:
  • 分子量:0
  • MOL File:Mol file
Mouse 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase (PRKRIR) ELISA Kit上下游产品信息
Mouse 52 kDa repressor of the inhibitor of the protein kinase (PRKRIR) ELISA Kit生产厂家