生物活性 体外研究
ChemicalBook  CAS数据库列表  钙抑肽


  • CAS号:85916-47-8
  • 中文名:钙抑肽
  • CBNumber:CB6238535
  • 分子式:C97H154N34O36S2
  • 分子量:2436.62
  • MOL File:85916-47-8.mol
  • 密度 :1.62±0.1 g/cm3(Predicted)
  • 储存条件 :-15°C


  • 生物活性 Katacalcin (PDN 21) 是一种有效的具有降低血钙效应的多肽激素。
  • 体外研究

    Katacalcin is a potent plasma calcium lowering peptide. Katacalcin belongs to the calcitonin family, that causes a rapid but short-lived drop in the level of calcium and phosphate in blood by promoting the incorporation of these ions in the bones. Katacalcin (KC) belongs to a small family of polypeptides that are encoded by the calc-1 gene and also include calcitonin (CT) and procalcitonin NH2-terminal cleavage peptide (N-ProCT). Katacalcin pretreatment leads to a concentration-dependent decrease at concentrations between 1 amol/liter and 10 fmol/liter and is a more potent inhibitor of fMLP-induced chemotaxis than CT or procalcitonin (PCT). Katacalcin deactivates CD14 + peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) chemotaxis not only toward N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP) but also toward other attractants of the chemokine family (heterologous deactivation) as well as toward PCT and CT. Pretreatment of CD14 + PBMCs with Katacalcin also deactivates subsequent chemotaxis toward Katacalcin itself. Katacalcin elicites concentration-dependent migration of CD14 + PBMC at concentrations from the atomolar to the micromolar range and deactivates attractant-induced chemotaxis. Katacalcin regulates human CD14 + PBMC migration via signaling events involving protein kinase A-dependent cAMP pathways.

  • 公司名称:Carbosynth
  • 联系电话:--
  • 电子邮件:sales@carbosynth.com
  • 国家:英国
  • 产品数:6018
  • 优势度:58
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