Explodes when heated, severe hazard whenexposed to heat or shock. Narcotic, strong irritantto tissue.
Purification Methods
Wash MeONO2 once with H2O then again with H2O containing a few drops of concentrated NaOH to keep it slightly alkaline (litmus). Dry the ester over anhydrous CaCl2, decant it and use it directly. It is possible to distil it under a vacuum with slow and gentle heating, as a sudden rise in temperature can cause decomposition with copious release of nitrous fumes (use extreme precautions and protection). The middle fraction can then be subjected to several freeze-pump-thaw cycles. [Black & Bakers Org Synth Col Vol II 412 1943.] [Beilstein 1 H 284, 1 I 141, 1 II 273, 1 III 1201, 1 IV 1254.] The VAPOUR CAN EXPLODE ON HEATING.