4,9-Anhydrotetrodotoxin (4,9-anhydro-TTX) is a derivative of TTX that selectively blocks inward sodium current through Nav1.6 voltage-activated sodium channels (IC50 = 7.8 nM in Xenopus oocytes). It demonstrates IC50 values of 1.3, 0.34, 0.99, 78.5, 1.3, and >30 μM for Nav1.2, Nav1.3, Nav1.4, Nav1.5, Nav1.7, and Nav1.8, respectively.
1) Rosker?et al. (2007),?The TTX metabolite 4,9-anhydro-TTX is a highly specific blocker of the Na(v1.6) voltage-dependent sodium channel; Am.J.Physiol.Cell Physiol.,?293?C783.
2) Denomme?et al.?(2020),??The voltage-gated sodium channel inhibitor, 4,9-anhydrotetrodotoxin, blocks human Nav1.1 in addition to Nav1.6;?Neurosci. Lett.?724?134853