Chemical Properties
White or almost white powder.
Brand name
(Genentech); Genotropin (Pharmacia); Humatrope (Lilly);Nutropin (Genentech); Saizen (Serono); Serostim (Serono).
Somatotropin, a second-generation (methionine-free) human growth hormone
produced by recombinant technology, was launched in the U.S.A. for the treatment
of growth failure in children due to chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation
and for the long term treatment of short stature in children with growth failure due to a
lack of endogenous growth hormone secretion. The efficacy of somatotropin is
reportedly comparable to the first biosynthetic growth hormone somatrem, which
contains a methionyl residue, but with less frequent antibody formation and rarely
causes allergic effects or impairs growth response. Somatotropin is also in clinical
trials for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency in adults and is currently under
approval review for Turner's syndrome.
Somatropin is a growth hormone useful in the treatment of hypopituitaxy dwarfism and
other disorders resulting from growth hormone deficiencies. Lilly has used recombinant
technology to produce human somatropin identical to the natural hormone. Somamm, the
N-methionyl derivative of somatropin, was launched in 1985 by Genentech for the same
Genentech (U.S.A.)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Somatropin, a pituitary-derived human growth hormone, has been
used in the treatment of hypopituitary dwarfism for over twenty years. In 1985 it
became known that Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a potentially fatal form of brain
degeneration resulting from a slow neurotropic viral infection, had developed in
several patients who had received preparations of somatropin in the late
1960s/early 1970s. This led to the withdrawal of these preparations in many
countries. An international collaborative effort was maintained to identify newlydiagnosed
cases. By 1990 a total of 30 such cases had been notified. More efficient
purification procedures introduced during the 1970s greatly reduced the risk of
viral contamination, but products containing pituitary-derived somatropin have
been superseded by biosynthetically-manufactured preparations produced using
recombinant techniques.
General Description
Somatropin for injection(Humatrope) is a natural-sequence human GH of rDNAorigin. Its composition and sequence of amino acids areidentical with those of human GH of pituitary origin. It isadministered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Thedosage range is 0.05 to 0.1 IU.
Clinical Use
Human Growth Hormone(hGH) is a protein that is essential for normal growth and developmentin humans. Human Growth Hormone(hGH) affects many aspects of humandevelopment and metabolism including longitudinalgrowth, regulation (increase) of protein synthesis and lipolysis,and regulation (decrease) of glucose metabolism. Human Growth Hormone(hGH)has been used as a drug since the 1950s, and it has been extremelysuccessful in the treatment of classic growth hormonedeficiency, chronic renal insufficiency, Turner syndrome,failure to lactate in women, and Prader-Willisyndrome. In its long history, the hormone has been remarkablysuccessful and free of side effects.
Side effects
Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Increased insulin resistance.
Type 2 diabetes.
Swelling in the arms and legs (edema).
Joint and muscle pain.
For men, enlargement of breast tissue (gynecomastia).
Increased risk of certain cancers.