Основные атрибуты химические свойства, назначение, производство поставщик
Арамидные волокна структурированное изображение

Арамидные волокна

  • английское имяAramid fibers
  • CAS №308069-56-9
  • CBNumberCB91105103
  • мольный вес0
  • файл MolMol file

Арамидные волокна химические свойства, назначение, производство

Промышленное использование

Aramid fibers are characterized by excellentenvironmental and thermal stability, static anddynamic fatigue resistance, and impact resistance.These fibers have the highest specific tensile strength (strength/density ratio) of anycommercially available continuous-filamentyarn. Aramid-reinforced thermoplastic compositeshave excellent wear resistance andnear-isotropic properties — characteristicsnot available with glass or carbon-reinforcedcomposites.
Aramid fiber, trade-named Kevlar, is availablein several grades and property levels forspecific applications. The grade designated simplyas Kevlar is made specifically to reinforcetires, hoses, and belting, such as V-belts andconveyor belts.

Арамидные волокна поставщик

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