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High Purity Alpha Alumina(α)

  • русский язык имя
  • английское имяHigh Purity Alpha Alumina(α)
  • CAS №
  • CBNumberCB07247549
  • мольный вес0
  • файл MolMol file

High Purity Alpha Alumina(α) химические свойства, назначение, производство

Физические свойства

ALPHA alumina has stable crystal phase, high hardness and good dimensional stability, especially it can improve the compactness of ceramics. In addition, it has high resistivity and good insulation performance.


Alpha-alumina powder is widely used as a raw material of an abrasive.


Fine polishing materials, metal products, semiconductor materials, plastics, vacuum coatings, special glass raw materials, fluorescent materials, special glass, composite materials and resin materials.

Общее описание

In the past few years the electronics industry has increased the use and manufactured quantity, as well as demand for higher quality, of high purity alumina substrate chips for circuitry substrates used in component parts of computers and other devices such as switches and calculators. These chips need to be produced from a very pure alpha alumina, utilized as a substrate for the deposition of the various electronic pathways. Impurities in this alumina would cause leakage of the electric current through the substrate and cause dielectric losses which make such chips unreliable.

High Purity Alpha Alumina(α) поставщик

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0082-42-721-7177 South Korea 298 58