SLU-PP-332 is a synthetic estrogen receptor-related orphan receptor (ERR) agonist which activates an amplified aerobic exercise mode. SLU-PP-332 does not affect food intake, appetite, or exercise initiation. This agent improves a natural metabolic pathway that characteristically reacts to exercise, resulting in amplified energy expenditure and extra body fat metabolism. SLU-PP-332 enhances mitochondrial function and cellular respiration in skeletal muscle cell lines, increases the expression of an ERR target gene [pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (Pdk4)], and enhances mitochondrial respiration in C2C12 myocytes.
SLU-PP-332 improves a natural metabolic route, which typically happens in response to exercise; it amplifies energy expenditure and results in faster body fat metabolism. SLU-PP-332 enhances mitochondrial function and cellular respiration in skeletal muscle cell lines, increases the expression of an ERR target gene [pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (Pdk4)], and enhances mitochondrial respiration in C2C12 myocytes. The drug also increases oxidative fibres in skeletal muscle and improved exercise endurance in C57BL/6J mice. This drug works on a group of proteins throughout the body organs called ERRs that activate some of the most significant metabolic pathways in the body, including the cardiac cells and the brain tissue. The drug can potentially transform the future of fitness and can facilitate weight loss by stimulating the body’s muscles during exercise. The mechanism of action of SLU-PP-332 is to activate ERRs, leading to increased energy expenditure, fatty acid oxidation, and decreased fat mass accumulation.
[1] Nasri, Hamid. “New hopes on ‘SLU-PP-332’ as an effective agent for weight loss with indirect kidney protection efficacy; a nephrology point of view.” Journal of Renal Endocrinology 26 7 (2024).